Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Fantasy Land

-my father is Walt Disney the False Prophet of the Bible

-who does miracles

-about 2012 I was in a bookstore near my home. There was a magical looking Disney book called Disney Storyland Collection

-it was reduced from $29.99 to $11.99

-I asked the store owner if he would put it on hold for me

-from behind me appeared Walt and paid for it for me

-to all of space

-for every 29.99 area of land. 11.99 is covered in Disney features

-like Resorts, stores, attractions

-and there is a channel by minds of most of their media products

-and Disney products are mixed with others appearing on stores' shelves

Monday, August 29, 2022


-I might be the great-grand-son of Walt Disney and an ancient Egyptian royalty

-Walt might the False Prophet. Who the Bible says does miracles

-he appeared behind me in a nearby bookstore and paid for a Disney book

-I cut through the grounds of Tauranga Boys College last year. On like Pyramid steps near a large wall with a painting of a man connected to the College looking like Walt

-in a book I tried to write out a list of payments to people from the Disney Company

-I now see I own it

-the College's Latin motto is PERGE et PERAGO

-like saying by now am like AGER and Christian PAREDES. The ideal image I want to be I saw in a Fitness add. PERGE / PAREDES and PERAGO / AGER


-STEPS like David the SHEPHERD  

-in a PYRAMID shape PHERD as in PYRAMID

-I have the same personality as David the Shepherd

-PERGE et PERAGO . Like my great-grand PARENTS are PEDESTRIAN ( Walker ) and PHAROAH 

-using the genitals shaped stick I drew their images in ground I tried growing TO MATT OES in. Shaped like a 'P' and the logo for PARRAGON books as in PARENTS

-it was recently I went to the supermarket by that College late at night. I bought $120 of groceries in one go. But was feeling on the verge of collapse. And thought I would if I tried to get home on my bike

-I got the supermarket staff to call an Ambulance

-I was hoping they would drive me home. The CARS video DRIVE with the band member playing a tough Mental Health Doctor. The Ambulance was going to be a long time so a kind supermarket Security Guard drove me to the Hospital. Her name was Susie and she was very good to me. Stayed with me for 7 hours at the Hospital, drove me home, and the next day picked up my bike and groceries from the supermarket and brought them to my home

-DRIVE as in Devil

-Walt took me to the Hospital. He was really Susie. Somehow assuming her

-Walt was once an Ambulance Driver in France. The Disney book he bought me was at a bookstore on the next block from the supermarket. Walt was an Ambulance Driver. So he was saying by the ride to the Hospital I am right about this Post

-I felt drained and on the verge of collapse that night at the supermarket. In all of it one day each week I get those same $120 of groceries appear in my home

-that takes care of my food needs. She was a Security Guard so I am secure in my home

-Walt is the False Prophet. Like he appeared in the bookstore maybe about 2010 and was Susie

-he partly is the Star Trek THE VOYAGE HOME DVD. Seller Placemaker of COOK Street Auckland Central I had delivered this morning

-I grew up in James Cook Street

-in about 1978 in class a student named Isaac BASHEERA had a Super Friends comic. BASHEERA like the panther in The Jungle Book is named BAGEERA. The Beast is my panther bedspread

-on page 1 of that Super Friends comic there is Bruce Wayne sitting behind a table. With like a symbolic ghost image of Batman rising behind him

-like a False Prophet

-Walt appeared behind me like in the Super Friends comic Batman is behind Wayne

-the Disney Storybook Collection book Walt bought me has a checker cover

-the PLACE MAKER book I had delivered today. PLACE as in FALSE

-I went and sat on the wall of Pyramid shaped steps / seating. In Tauranga Boys College. By a wall with a large mural of a man looking like Walt Disney. They are my great-grand  PARENTS

-I in an exercise book drew up a list of payments to people. On the idea if Walt bought me that book he might be saying he is leaving all the company to me

-to make my PARENTS Walt and maybe an Egyptian Monarch just near my bedroom window I drew in dirt images of them. In a long thin stick I had found shaped like a '9'. The logo of the book Publisher PARRAGON. As in PAREDES and PYRAMID

-the checker miracles might be what the False Prophet does. Like Walt bought me the checker covered Disney book

-PLACEMAKER Walt as the False Prophet for his miracles might get up all over the Universe in a CHECKER layout. My miracles on my still there Blogs from March 31st 2017 to November 19th 2020

-all of the Universe covered in a checker layout with different combinations of those miracles to different boxes

-and it was Walt who bought me the Disney book with the checker cover. Like I saw in a dream decades earlier

-Revelations says Satan ENGINEERED the False Prophet. Walt Disney was an AMBULANCE DRIVER

Friday, August 26, 2022

The Once and Future King

-through almost every planet in space

-the planets are made stable. Layers all through the planets. Of stores, attractions and businesses from throughout the history of Britain

-there is air and light in them. And you can teleport you and what you are touching

-throughout these layers are homes like from the List of Stars' Homes

-List of Stars' HomesList of Stars' Homes

Monday, August 22, 2022

Matt's Mirror Miracle List

-MIRROR  LIST -like that night I spent alone in the Ralton Hotel

-I fathered the Anti-Christ

-I fathered the MIRROR of Christ

-and the girl my age in the Reception looking like Fire-Brand and a girl at my High School

-and the man who bought me the Disney book with the checkers  on looked like Walt Disney

-so they are like MIRRORS too of these two people

-maybe even setting it up or planning it to set up the MIRROR of CHRIST. The ANTI  CHRIST

-in about 1982 I got the All-Star Squadron 5 comic from the Auckland newsstand

-and about 2012 I got the book Disney Storybook Collection

-maybe the girl was the Whore of Babylon what Revelations calls his mother. She was about the right height with long red hair

-and maybe he gets support from a man looking like Walt Disney

-MIRRORS like the number 666


-I am the father of Satan too

-his mother burnt super-heroine 'DONNA TROY' like the Anti-Christ's mother looks like ( Fire-Brand ) DANETTE REILLY

-the Anti-Christ fathered on a holiday to Auckland where I stayed in a very small Hotel room

-Satan fathered on a trip on the massive ship the Titanic

-the Anti-Christ connected to a man looking like super creator Walt Disney. He bought me the Disney book

-Satan being super comics creator Stan Lee. He bought me Spider-Man 2 on VHS

-DANETTE REILLY and WALT DISNEY - they sound similar

-the new Messiah of Revelations maybe his sex will change

-Stan Lee Lieber / Satan Lucifer bought me a Spider-Man 2 video where the villain was DOCTOR Octopus

-in Auckland I bought the All-Star Squadron 5 comic where the super hero Fire-Brand was replaced by his sister

-in a book store near me WALTER DISNEY / D. OCTOR bought me the Disney book. The price sticker on it read WAS $29.99 NOW $11.99. Like he is now only part male. There were checker boxes all over thec cover. Of two different colors. Like he becomes two sexes. The checker boxes like a CROSS. He becomes a Cross between male and female and it is like a Crucifixion 

-Satan was conceived on the Titanic. The Anti-Christ might look like comics Captain America

Barren Planets

-today by Courier I got my large page hard cover book 

-Amazing World of Superman Tabloid Edition

-it had with it a poster of the map of Krypton

-in about 1980 I saw an old slide of me. Standing fully shown naked as a toddler standing in my grandparents' garden at MAXWELL Drive

-like the 3 year old Superman arrives by rocket in the field in SMALLVILLE. In the 1978 film Superman the Movie. And the actor playing him is shown standing shown fully naked

-I in October 2016 saw in my bedroom clearly appear a computer sized white spikey star appear. Looking like the rocket etc in that film Superman the Movie

-I use these to

-on as many Barren Planets as possible. Sort out the atmosphere and make all the lands stable

-and create over the Barren Planets

-full as possible copies of the 'Map of Krypton'

-as full as possible

Sunday, August 21, 2022

Getting Captain Marvel Powers

 -when I tried to damn myself for all I wanted in life

-it was over the kitchen sink / FAUCET

-like FAWCETT Comics was where Captain Marvel was first published

-a couple of years ago I had just been to the toilet and that's where I used to think the fly got in

-I next had a shower. A living fly came out of my backside when I was washing it

-like Captain Marvel is Billy BAT SON

-and he first appeared in FAWCETT Comics like the shower or the fly coming out of my backside

-when it did I swallowed it at once in case it meant I might get super hero powers

-so the fly went around my body

-the powers I am after are

-flight , strength, phasing , invulnerable , ground control, telekinesis , heat vision, beam comes out of one hand that can create things and do things, can centre on crime and population centres. And maybe can fire beams from my eyes that can fix broken objects and can pass my body through sick life to heal them. etc powers

-the fly went around my body like the first letter of each super hero power is the same first letter of a special themed room of my home

Ring of Power

-I launch FIVE channels by mind

-to all of space but our solar system. And to Heaven and Hell . All forever

-Ones starring me as the hero like The Simpsons, Archie, Days of our Lives. And all my Blogs. And my songs on my Blog magicdom30.home.blog. With my logical voice and logical notes. And for videos me having sex with people

-FIVE of the channels

-and Jesus looks like the main villain and partly idiotic in all of them

-like that I try for FOREVER

-in Heaven

-cause FIVE afflictions on people

-Hell Children - a white baby appears through a hole in your stomach surrounded by a ring of tentacles

-Hell Creatures - a car sized spider or scorpion shaped creature that can chew on you forever

-Hell Cloth - black blankets that float around and can cover all your body under your head. And things can go right in you

-Hell Metal - white indestructible metal that turns your skin white and lips black

-Hell Warriors - armored Warriors that teleport with swords that cut off your penis

-the effects last forever on a person

-and keep coming forever. There is no escape like in a New Earth and Heaven

-FIVE channels and FIVE Hell effects to ruin  things for Jesus and Heaven

-I was walking home over night about 1990 after leaping from the Railway Bridge in to water. Like me and Donna Troy / Wonder Girl off the Titanic where we conceived Satan. I was wet. I passed a REST Home. As in NIGHTMARES. There was a man inn the carpark over night raking leaves. Like I think Satan might have based his Pitchfork / rake on me. He looked like a non-disfigured Freddy Krueger Across the road from the Rest Home. Eternal REST. Was a Church someone would later burn down. Like I get heaven

-just down the hill from those two places was the Motel me and my grandparents would stay in while visiting Tauranga 

-once an elderly woman my grandparents had met made me a small carved boat. Like maybe it was Wonder Girl. Meaning the Titanic. The thought went through my mind there was a massive concrete drop from there and my grandmother fell down it. Like Wonder Girl's fall in the comic New Teen Titans

-on another trip to Tauranga my grandparents had met another woman. This one looked like character Angela Channing of Falcon Crest and had a home across the street from the Motel like in that series. I once with a boy back then went and asked her for money. She said I don't have any

-ANGELA - I change Heaven in to the FIVE ALTERNATIVE Earth idea above


-in about 1978 when I was living in Lebanon Street Tauranga. I had a dream. I was in my garage. There was a Witch. Tall , with long red hair and a  long red dress. I asked her Are you Wendy the Good Little Witch? A comic character and her slogan

-Are you the GOOD little WHICH. Like someone saying Jesus Christ sees the channels and they are everywhere and changes

-WENDY like the super-heroine WONDER Girl becomes terrible after being disfigured

-while living in James Cook  Street. James Cook was the ship's Captain who first charted New Zealand. I once took some large white builders' boards and drew pictures on them . And placed them behind bushes at the front wall of my home. That was about 1974. In the 1997 film Titanic character Jack Dawson draws pictures. I think maybe my son Satan uses the JAMES COOK home for his.. Maybe because it makes him happy because of how Jesus looks in those picture channels

-in about 1981 in the top of my bedroom closet I found a metal ring with the 12 Astrology signs around it. It soon disappeared 

-maybe this is it's purpose

-Satan or the man like Freddy Krueger has it planed

-it is probably largely the films basing ideas on me, The red and black stripes of Krueger's jersey. Like CHANNELS or ALTERNATE Earths

-and when I met WALT Disney and he paid for the Disney book. Maybe someone wanting me to set up ALTERNATE Earth in Heaven . By getting me to do a massive alternate land area of Disney features. Then in the main Smallville blocks I added the 5 units in a row that came in  a dream like from Krueger

Saturday, August 20, 2022

Five Comic Super Hero Sons

-I might be the father of comic book super-heroes 

-Captain America, Iron Man, Spider-Man, Superman and Batman

-maybe from different planets or maybe coming together

-I tried to will my sperm to drop in their mothers

-using a strange stick I ate. And a backpack with Marvel heroes on it

-I just realized I might have met all 5


-years ago downtown Tauranga. There was a man about 20 tied to a street pole. Looking like from his back like 90s comics Peter Parker, Rick Astley or Ryan Seacrest. He had a card sign on him. Like a Crucifixion. Like a Wedding or 21st prank. He was talking to an elderly woman looking like NEIGHBORS character HELEN DANIELS. HELL DEVIL

-I was in Pak 'n' Save supermarket walking in and along the checkouts. On the other side of the freezers was a man looking like film Tony Stark / Iron Man . Played by Robert Downey JR. I thought it might be the Anti-Christ. Slightly tall, dark brown hair a slight goatee beard. With an oval black tattoo on one forearm. Wearing clothes like a formal Doctor. He had a tattoo on one arm like Malcom in the Middle actor Frankie Muntz. I had met a former client who looked similar twice in a month on a bus about 2011. Which looks set up to DOWN my morals by corrupting me with promises or threats if I do a Web Page

-I passed a man looking like Superman but with a beard. Near Tauranga Hospital. There is a local man like Superman but it's unlike his character to have a beard

-I passed a man looking like Bruce Wayne. The  late 80s drawn Batman. Tall, Indian. It was the morning I tried to do the Monitor mission in 2017. I had gone  to Marine Parade at Mount Maunganui. And was just walking back to the bus stop after saying Bup Bup Bop over and over. He was on the other side of the road. There was a woman with him looking like Erica Duance / Lois Lane of Smallville. She was carrying a cell phone / camera

-it was New Years Eve about 7 years ago. I met a man looking like Captain America / Steve Rogers. I had just been to Scarlet Hair. And read Prince Harry might have put a tattoo of a rhino on his back. I was next at the supermarket and was short of money for a few items. He appeared from behind and paid for them. Tall, attractive , blonde, looking like a character from a story or a celebrity. GROCERIES as in AMERICA

Friday, August 19, 2022

Do You know where Your Children Are ?

-who my 'real' parents might be

-two WW2 era characters

-my father Indiana Jones

-and my mother Fire-Brand. Except in real life she might have been the Whore of Babylon

-my son Satan's Pitchfork

-like Indiana's Bullwhip 

-and like the idea of a fire-brand

-my father an ARCHEOLOGIST

-my mother a member of super-heroes team ALL STAR SQUADRON

-as in ALL STARS

-as in she might about 1981 left a ring in the top of my bedroom wardrobe. With the 12 STAR signs around it

-like an ASTROLOGY ring

-today I got the hint from her to save me from a messy marriage

-will as if the ring was on my finger to marry

-I willed the super-heroine Donna Troy / Wonder Girl / Troia to be my wife

-she was disfigured and made terrible. Like HOROSCOPE ring. Her HORROR face

-we might have been on the Titanic together where we conceived Satan. A White STAR ship

-that was almost like a gift from my mother

-my  father was an Archeologist 

-like in the mid-70s in a ditch in paddocks at the end of the street

-I saw lying there the full skeleton of a man

-like the ring might have married me

-I 'marry' me to always - for life - living in my Fraser Street home

-the bones - like I die while living here. My home where the Garden of Eden is. I am partly married to living here

-my street I was living on when I saw the skeleton was James Cook Street

-his ship in which he was the first to chart New Zealand was the ENDEAVOUR. Like I willed to marry me / die in the Garden of EDEN

-I would need food

-a few weeks ago I based on themes of eating like the skeleton. Went and bought $120 of groceries to take home on my bike in one go. Like a comic story The Miracle of Thirsty Thursday

-I was feeling like I might collapse outside the supermarket. Like James Cook I might have connections to Atlantis. People thought part of it was I was dehydrated . Like the skeleton. I use my address '12' as in each week I get a copy of the '$120' of groceries. Most of which doesn't need cooking

-as in James COOK

-and I would need some power. I saw the skeleton in the ditch in paddocks. From up on a hill I thought I heard CHILDREN's LAUGHTER


-I willed LUCIFER. The LOO needs still work. The toilet and shower

-and LUCIFER the Web SURFER still works. To the point of what is on my Spotify, NetFlix and Disney + to when I willed it tonight

-other things might be impractical if all closes because of corruption

-the LAUGHTER I heard

-my home with those is all that's LEFT AFTER in the world. Everything else might be closed

-CHILDREN's laughter

-it is the fault of DC Comics' Jenette KAHN and Jesus CHRIST

-and my LAUNDRY works too

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Islands in the Stream

-I think my father might be from Atlantis

-I think my son is Satan. I had sex with a disfigured made terrible super-heroine Donna Troy / Wonder Girl / Troia

-on the TITANIC. Like she was a member of New Teen TITANS

-our son Satan might be Stan Lee the comic writer and creator. STAN as in SATAN

-Stan Lieber. LIEBER as in LUCIFER

-I met him in 2004. I had been wondering where to get the money to buy Spider-Man 2 on VHS that morning . I went in to McDonalds and he was there. I was unsure if it was him. He used a non-US accent voice

-he asked me WHAT WOULD I LIKE

-I got the money for the video. Like Satan taking Jesus up on top of a MOUNTAIN / MCDONALDS / M

-and offering him anything

-if he wasn't Satan he would be having me on. He anyway my favorite star anyway. A really nice and cool character. Buying me a video is something like he would do. He has made a MASS of famous comic characters. More than anyone else. Maybe to fit in with me and my mass of creative ideas

-I lived when young at 12 JAMES COOK Street, Havelock North, New Zealand

-and I think that was his home too. JAMES COOK / FLAMES COOK

-James Cook was the Captain who first charted New Zealand as in Atlantis

-there on the steps to the front door was a LAMPPOST. Maybe connected to the TRIDENT of Atlantis. Which might be connected to Satan's Pitchfork

-at the corner of that street I had a younger friend named STUART. Like somehow Atlantis might have been at the bottom of New Zealand at STEWART Island

-the lowest populated place on Earth

-STEWART sounds like SATAN. So maybe that is connected

-just before I moved to Tauranga. I was at Stuart's home

-the laundry or washing machine had overflowed

-like Atlantis sinking. Like me moving on too

-STUART like I might once have had a marriage to SPIDER Man actor Tom HOLLAND. As in HELL  LAND

-Stuart lived on the corner of my street. Like the slogan The Friendly NEIGHBORHOOD Spider-Man

-Satan partly setting up that to show he is Stan Lee

-the Titanic sunk in water. Like Atlantis might have. Like the washing machine as I was about to move

-like Satan maybe saying he is going to 'flood' everywhere

-at the end of James Cook  Street in paddocks I once saw in a ditch the full SKELETON of a man

-12 James Cook Street had a lamppost at the front door steps. The home had three split levels like the three oven burn marks like parallel lines on my right wrist. The lowest floor had a garage , laundry, bathroom and bedroom. The middle floor had the front door, lounge, dining room, kitchen and balcony out back. The top floor had a bathroom, large spare bedroom, my bedroom with like an indent section of the wall along it. And on the top floor was my grandparents' room with a long and large upstairs balcony off it

-and my grandfather once took me to the balcony outside their bedroom and asked me if I wanted to sit out there for a while. But I didn't . Like Satan asking me what I want from a Mountain top again. And Satan might live there at least some of the time

-I got the signals today to leave it at two Volumes and not try to order any more Trade Books of DC Comics super-heroes team. Called 'JLA' darker 90s versions of their main super-heroes. I think at some time the team might have been super-heroes on Atlantis

Friday, August 12, 2022


-for all people who don't make Heaven
-a copy of my bedroom
-bed, leather armchair, TV table
-a lot of DVDs, comics, comic Trade Books, books on comics
-on the computer ( played too on the TV )
-Spotify, NetFlix, Disney +
-my Blogs for more scans of comics and books
-on the computer YouTube Music Premium stuck at point of setting it up. With no adds
-music videos, records
-about 1983 my grandparents and I were on holiday in Auckland . Staying at the RAILTON or RALTON Hotel
-where I stayed alone in a very small Hotel room. Like this afterlife is just a bedroom
-and I bought a comic introducing the new Fire-Brand
-like I create the new Hell
-all appear as me
-things restore

Thursday, August 11, 2022

Return to Southfork

-I think Jesus Christ might be WINDING me up on purpose constantly

-like when I  was young I was given a Disney View Finder / Master toy with a TURNING handle on it's side. Shaped like a motion picture filming camera

-I got two tapes with mine

-Mickey's CARAVAN

-CARAVAN like Jesus wrecked a marriage with Coronation Street character David Platt. CORONATION. I once saw a couple looking just like David Platt and his then wife Kylie Platt in the Doctor's reception together

-CARAVAN like the reel had the three friends on a chaotic caravan ride over the WHOLE LAND. Like he also wrecked a marriage with Spider-Man actor Tom HOLLAND

-the other tape was 101 Dalmatians 

-like the villain of it looks like DC Comics' Cruella de Vil.  Who Christ set up to do it

-there was a female and male Dalmatian dog

-their leashes got caught up with their male and female owners

-like Christ trying to tie me to the bad wife like Lois Lane

-they fell in to a POND


-and the leashes tied up. For David PLATT

-then a Church wedding scene for him putting me in a bad marriage for life

-then like a distorted grave shot with my initials in reverse on 'AM'

-when I went to the next town to try to do the Monitor. And it kicked off my powerful magic


-like I was meant to have been MARRYING MARVEL Peter PARKER actor Tom Holland

-like I was meant to have been MARRYING CORONATION character

-I said over and over BUP BUP BOP

-like I was given those beats to show Christ was happy when the marriage to the BUG actor fell through

-BUP as in I miss out on the BUG actor as a husband

-BUG as in I get a wife like Lois Lane who I BUG

-and BOP like maybe I now never marry

-in about 2010 I was down at Tauranga's Historic Village / Turning Point

-I was leaving just unlocking my bike chain LOCK. I fumbled it and said Christ quietly

-like being locked to the LANE women. And me feeling like saying Christ because of it

-a man looking like Jesus came through the gates. He said You have dropped your hat. It had fallen off of me . I picked it up and said Thank You. It may have been set up by the Beast. With on all his heads CROWNS. Like saying too the local Gym Instructor looking like Jug HEAD who is the record Internet Spotify display. And has picked on me. And has dated the local woman like Lois Lane. Christ set it up for him to be  the Internet shot to BUG me. My home was being redecorated at the time and I was staying away from home at another client's home

-in 2020 I went back down there to check out the comics. I heard RECORD Roundabout was down there now.  I was about to go in. There was another man or the same man looking like Jesus. I said Hello. He replied BUD. As in he tries to BUG me. And I missed out on the BUG actor. I suddenly felt really hot and drained inside of me and had to sit down for a while. RECORD Roundabout like Christ set up that Gym Instructor to be the Spotify shot to bug me. It might have been the Beast again. Like Jughead wears a Crown as a hat as in Records

-the Days of our Lives series I think they make on me. The sands WIND down from top chamber to bottom. Like Jesus tries to WIND me up. Maybe even planning to TURN people on me

-the idea of an Archie style line of comics on me named WINDSOR High as in WINDING

-the first time I saw the man looking like Jesus Christ at Turning Point I was staying away from home because my home was being redecorated. I am now being told by my Support Home it looks like they want to discharge me. The Beast maybe saying with that scene with 'Christ' he is trying to oust me from my dream home

-the time in 2020 I went back there. I that morning had ideas on trying to pull a save of the Gym Instructor becoming the Destroyer and becoming like Darth Vader. And back that morning I had idea on restructuring the Church. Closing them down. And setting up my Blogs as a channel by minds on Earth with the Bibles etc on them. And copies of my home through people's homes with Bibles etc too. This might be the Beast saying Jesus Christ is now trying to get me kicked out of my home

-Jesus Christ wrecked two massive record deals I would have had

-he used MICHAEL Jackson the biggest artist in the world. The Beast said You have dropped your HAT. Like MICHAEL / MICKEY in The Sorcerer's Apprentice has the stolen Master's MAGICIAN's hat

-he stole the songs I wrote a fresh with the best I could. Over 300 of them. Like Record ROUNDABOUT. At Marine Parade I was told to say  BUP BUP BOP over and over. And I used those as the start beats of a lot of my songs

-on a holiday first to Tauranga about 1976. My grandparents had met a woman. She lived across the street from the Motel. In a home like in Falcon Crest. She looked like it's character ANGELA CHANNING. ANGELA / HOLLAND and CHANNING / CORONATION

Sunday, August 7, 2022

Skeleton Key

-a SKELETON Key can open a variety of locks

-like I might be trapped in a 'marriage' forced on me

-I might be illegally banned from the companies I enjoy

-people might have the ability to do what they want to me. And never answer for it

-in about 1975 I was living at James Cook Street, Havelock North

-at the end of the street in paddocks

-was once a man's full bones of a SKELETON

-maybe my son SATAN

-and him saying he / I will get out of the locks and Prisons put on my life

Wuthering Heights

-the copies of my home around space. The leaky Conservatory roof is replaced by like white thin builders' boards. Like I just then had a...