Sunday, July 31, 2022

Super Channel

-when I was young living at 12 James Cook Street, Havelock North

-I was in paddocks at the end of the street

-there once was a ditch with the full skeleton of a man lying in it

-and from the side of the hill I heard laughter

-I use Jesus wrecking two marriages

-to actor Tom HOLLAND . The HOLE in the ground

-to Coronation Street character DAVID PLATT. The bones like of the DEVIL in rows like they were PLATTED

-to send out a channel about me

-the SKELETON. It goes to all of space but our SOLAR SYSTEM

-and to HELL.  The HOLE

-and to Heaven forever. Including when Heaven reaches 'the New Earth and Jerusalem coming down'

-like the street was named James Cook Street. The Captain of the ship ENDEAVOUR that first charted New Zealand


-and too the skeleton lying in a ditch. Like what I would expect on Earth. If that happened to a wrong sort of person in a series channel. Wracked with pain and lying on the ground. For some time until right Police make their way to him when it suits them

-the thing meant to send out the channel. Jesus wrecking two marriages

-I willed for the channel to go out using Christ wrecking those two marriages

-then I realized just over the last 2 days. I tried to set up the home my grandparents had at 12 James Cook Street a safe home for Satan forever. James Cook / Flames Cook

-he likes the position as a home on the street the paddocks with the skeleton were on . Like the channel has Anti Jesus ideas in it

-and in a Post I wrote about how once on large white hardboards I drew PICTURES and left them behind bushes at the front of the home. The 'Pictures' Satan meaning the TV series channel. Maybe Satan loves the home for this reason. And it is a safe home that my magic has meant avoiding for him the Lake of Fire he would have gone to

Friday, July 29, 2022

Forever Living at Fraser Street

-points my Beast / panther bedspread and me might be living for life or longer at Fraser Street

-all words sound like these are FACTS

-it is where the Garden of Eden is. As in the FORBIDDEN Tree and Fruit

-as in living at FRASER FOR life or maybe FOREVER

-at paddocks across the road from my home in 1981 a wild pig ran out. There was a Bacon FACTORY next to the paddocks. It would have somehow ESCAPED people. Like no matter what happens I still get food coming in

-when my grandparents were only visiting Tauranga. There was a woman they had met looking like Angela Channing of TV series FALCON Crest. Her home looked that way too. I once went and asked her for money. She said she didn't have any. Like somehow even if I lose my Benefit or power of things things will still be there for me

-I once buried a FORTRESS bike lock in my back garden. Where I tried to grow TOMATOES . To - Matt - Toes

-at Fiji on a FAIRSTAR Cruise. I went to try to buy a SARONG. A male island skirt. Like the Beast cover. A taxi driver offered to take me down town to look for one. I got him to turn around when he asked me Do you want to spend SOME TIME with an Indian girl. Spend some time with AN INDIAN girl. UNENDING

-in 1991 on a Cruise with my grandparents we stopped in Fiji. I went to try to buy a sarong a male skirt ( Jesus messed up marriages to males actor Tom Holland and character David Platt )
-an Indian taxi driver started to drive me around down town of Fiji. I got him to take me back when he asked me
-Do you want to spend some time with AN INDIAN girl?
-me and my Beast bedspread. For life and forever living at my Fraser Street unit. AN INDIAN as in  UNENDING
-and offering an unending partner
-Do you want to spend some time with AN INDIAN GIRL
-I live with the Beast in GARDEN of EDEN
-Do I want to spend some time with AN UNENDING girl
-and do I want to live in my afterlife in a copy of my Fraser Street unit like my grandparents both do. Maybe UNENDING that afterlife lasting forever

-I 'marry' me to always - for life - living in my Fraser Street home

-the bones - like I die while living here. My home where the Garden of Eden is. I am partly married to living here

-my street I was living on when I saw the skeleton was James Cook Street

-his ship in which he was the first to chart New Zealand was the ENDEAVOUR. Like I willed to marry me / die in the Garden of EDEN

-I would need food

-a few weeks ago I based on themes of eating like the skeleton. Went and bought $120 of groceries to take home on my bike in one go. Like a comic story The Miracle of Thirsty Thursday

-I was feeling like I might collapse outside the supermarket. Like James Cook I might have connections to Atlantis. People thought part of it was I was dehydrated . Like the skeleton. I use my address '12' as in each week I get a copy of the '$120' of groceries. Most of which doesn't need cooking

-as in James COOK

-and I would need some power. I saw the skeleton in the ditch in paddocks. From up on a hill I thought I heard CHILDREN's LAUGHTER


-I willed LUCIFER. The LOO needs still work. The toilet and shower

-and LUCIFER the Web SURFER still works. To the point of what is on my Spotify, NetFlix and Disney + to when I willed it tonight

-other things might be impractical if all closes because of corruption

-the LAUGHTER I heard

-my home with those is all that's LEFT AFTER in the world. Everything else might be closed

-CHILDREN's laughter

-it is the fault of DC Comics' Jenette KAHN and Jesus CHRIST

-before I bought my Fraser Street home I signed a Real Estate contract with a Staff Member without reading it. My Lawyer and Trustee KEVIN CASSEY got me out of it. I just then tried to use that to -. KEVIN CASSEY. Make me EDEN CASED

Monday, July 25, 2022

The Channel

-I set off THE massive area channel

-on me. At Te Mata Primary. In Havelock North and living at 12 James Cook Street. Until I moved to Tauranga about 1976

-me and my grandparents May and George Ager

-I had wanted for my collection of books and comics. At least several Volumes on The Simpsons

-I wanted The Simpsons Guide. I had sold mine a several years earlier when I had problems selling goods because I wanted money for new comics

-and I wanted the Volume Simpsons Treehouse of Horror

-I remembered by a PUB maybe connected to Mills Reef Winery a TREEHOUSE with a flying saucer design like a warning from some group not to get the book

-this might really mean it is the Te Mata Primary channel that goes everywhere

-maybe done  a bit like the Simpsons. Like the local library, Fantasy Land, the paddocks at the end of my street, Big Little books and the design of our home etc

-our home back then was white with three split levels. A lamppost at the steps to the front door. A concrete flat balcony off the dining room. A bedroom and garage and laundry on the ground floor. On the middle floor the lounge and kitchen and dining area and front door. On the top level big rooms for my grandparents' and spare room. And my room . A bathroom on this level and wide balcony off my grandparents' room

-also warning me not to get any Simpsons books

-who I thought for decades might be the Anti-Christ at our front door threatening me in 1991. Tall, evil looking face, black hair down to his shoulders at the back

-wearing a formal fawn suit like a Doctor. Like to threaten a sex change or really bad treatment by Doctors. Or like he looked like soap opera The Young Doctors character Doctor Peter Holland. He I thought might be threatening a channel on me about Mills Reef Winery


-PETER - the young Matthew Ager channel goes to every other PLANET but Earth

-HOLLAND - it goes to HEAVEN and HELL

-he said Get your Grandfather mate

-MATE as in Te MATA Primary

-MATE as in one of two friends I had there MATT / hew DATE

-( the man at my front door looked like the CARS band member in the video DRIVE. Like my other friend I had back then. Francis or Alistair Jones worked at a nearby Ford Car Dealers in Tauranga in 1991 )

-my Grandfather said to Tell him we don't want anything. I just closed the door on him and walked away

-over the fence of the home I was living at in 1991. Years later lived my son maybe like Bart Simpson once. So I used to think he might be the Anti-Christ and was threatening me not to buy any Simpsons books like his home was over the fence

-and he said GET your Grandfather mate - so I thought he may be saying if I did buy more books he would give something I would have had to my SON

-I had extra surplus money put in my account last week so I ordered Simpsons Ominous Omnibus Treehouse of Horror

-on the cover of The Simpsons Guide is a drawing of a TV

-I thought the man might be threatening a TV channel on Mills Reef

-today I thought of that cover. And a TV we had in our lounge in Havelock North. I remember when we got our new color one. A friend was just leaving

-( the Simpsons Guide cover of a TV and the point we got that TV might be part of what sets off the channel )

-the creator of The Simpsons on our planet is Matt Groening

-like the man at my front door was really the creator or one of the creators of the show with me in made on another planet. Then they found out it was real and they came to get me to set off the channel

Friday, July 22, 2022

My Home is Where the Garden of Eden and 10 Commandments Are

-when my grandparents and I first visited Tauranga around 1976

-we first tried the Silver BIRCH Motel. Down the hill from my home and parallel to it. Parallel to my home with the magic PLANT

-my home is where the Garden of Eden was

-with the FORBIDDEN Fruit

-as in FRASER Street

-my magic fruit at my front door area are some of those fruit

-the Silver BIRCH Motel room was run down so we didn't stay

-there was a line hung up across the middle of the room. With white sheets dividing the room

-like someone set those sheets up to say the Garden of Eden was up the hill where my home is now

-that wall of sheets to try to wall me and the Beast bedspread to live here in my Fraser Street unit for life

-the Magic Garden like the Garden of Eden

-in 2010 I was in the local Psych War. At a bad moment I swallowed a drawing pin. Like Adam and Eve eating the Forbidden Fruit

-that night I was lying in bed. I suddenly saw two flashes in my mind. An original super hero costume. But looking like the super hero costumes of GENIUS super-heroes Mister Fantastic and Brainiac 5. They are geniuses like it is the Tree of Knowledge

-and the other flash I pictured in my mind at the same time. The super hero power to create objects out of CRYSTAL. As in CHRIST. So maybe that Tree was part of how God creates things

-in 1981 in the top of my bedroom wardrobe I found a ring. With the 12 star signs around it. It soon disappeared after

-I now see it is like the super-heroes of space ( stars ring ) the GREEN LANTERN Corps

-and the people in charge of them the GUARDIANS of the Universe. Sounding like GARDEN of EDEN

-the Green Lanterns get their super hero powers from space rings

-in Green Lantern comics the Guardians' planet OA is at the Centre of the Universe So my home at 140 C Fraser Street ,Tauranga , New Zealand might be at the Centre of the Universe

-where the FORBIDDEN TREE as in FRASER STREET might be

-the Astrology ring soon disappeared

-and my home at 140C Fraser Street, Tauranga, New Zealand

-the Conservatory or home is the Ark of the COVENANT

-which contains the 10 COMMANDMENTS. Which might be my home too

-when I was young my mother CHRISTINE gave me a Disney View Finder / Master toy. Shaped like a motion picture filming camera. It had a turning handle on it's side to play the cartoon tapes. My one came with two tapes. Mickey's Caravan / Trailer. And 101 Dalmatians. With at the very last shot like distorted film. There was like a white gravestone with the letters 'AM' on it . My initials in reverse. With black behind the gravestone

-the 101 Dalmatians tape - their BLACK SPOTS over their bodies. Like the plant that provides the magic. Are small white ball shaped 'fruit'. These are on my property close to the front door area. Like the Forbidden Fruit

-the Mickey's CARAVAN tape. Stands for my home. The ARK of the COVENANT with the 10 COMMANDMENTS is my home

-alternatively Mickey's TRAILER. I might have fathered the Anti-Christ at the RAILTON Hotel in Auckland in 1982. Also meaning rules

Wednesday, July 20, 2022


-in the 1970s Satan might have appeared as a SKELETON lying in a ditch in paddocks at the end of James Cook Street. Like in 1982 in a notebook I found in a kitchen drawer I read my MOTHER's married name was Christine 'SCORINGE'

-Skeleton / Scoringe

-maybe I married Donna Troy on that Cruise. Maybe providing a way out of being forced in to a marriage I don't want

-like about 1982 in a kitchen drawer I found a notebook with my mother's MARRIED name. About that year in the top of my bedroom wardrobe I found a RING with the 12 Star signs around it


-SCORINGE as in Donna Troy's SCARRING. And that was her MARRIED name


-if Satan set up the marriage he might know people's attempts to stick me with someone else will fail

-SCORINGE like CHRIST tried to set up the marriage with me to 'Lois' because he was UNCARING to me and wanted me to feel SUFFERING 

-SCORINGE CHRIST through the STAR RING logo company set up the marriage

-SCORINGE maybe the end result of Christ doing that is a lot of closed businesses. And a situation like people needing to put 666 on them to buy things. Like the SCORPION SORES the Bible says God puts on those who damn themselves 

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Parents of Satan

-maybe me and a DC Comics super-heroine are his parents

-named Wonder Girl

-and Troia and Donna Troy

-I think we met and had sex on the TITANIC

-like in the comics she was a member of the New Teen TITANS

-as in SATANIC

-I think her morals slipped, people there thought she was lame

-and people set up to torch her

-she was treated terribly and went from wonderous and lovely to terrible

-on maybe our first visit to my city Tauranga. At a Motel by the sea. An elderly woman my grandparents had met made me a small carved boat

-maybe she was Donna Troy

-like it represented the Titanic

-I took it down to the water's edge by the Motel. There might have been a small concrete wall drop

-the thought went through my mind my grandmother fell down it down a long wall under the water

-maybe Troy set that up. To mean the Titanic sinking and the long downfall the team had in comics

-maybe at that point - in 1977 for me - Troy went to Hell

-my address before coming to live in Tauranga was in JAMES COOK Street

-JAMES COOK the name of the SHIP Captain who first charted New Zealand

-sounds like FLAMES COOK

-PITCHFORK like me and the PICTURE drawing character FUCKED. The same as in the film Titanic

-PITCHFORK like Wonder Girl's Golden Lasso

-in the 1970s Satan might have appeared as a SKELETON lying in a ditch in paddocks at the end of James Cook Street. Like in 1982 in a notebook I found in a kitchen drawer I read my MOTHER's married name was Christine 'SCORINGE'

-Skeleton / Scoringe

-maybe I married Donna Troy on that Cruise. Maybe providing a way out of being forced in to a marriage I don't want

-like about 1982 in a kitchen drawer I found a notebook with my mother's MARRIED name. About that year in the top of my bedroom wardrobe I found a RING with the 12 Star signs around it


-SCORINGE as in Donna Troy's SCARRING. And that was her MARRIED name

-if Satan set up the marriage he might know people's attempts to stick me with someone else will fail

-SCORINGE like CHRIST tried to set up the marriage with me to 'Lois' because he was UNCARING to me and wanted me to feel SUFFERING 

-SCORINGE CHRIST through the STAR RING logo company set up the marriage

-SCORINGE maybe the end result of Christ doing that is a lot of closed businesses. And a situation like people needing to put 666 on them to buy things. Like the SCORPION SORES the Bible says God puts on those who damn themselves

Sunday, July 10, 2022

My Son Satan and the Pitchfork

-My Son is Satan

-like I suspected my son is Satan

-the shape of his PITCHFORK

-like fingers for Wedding rings

-like saying the PICTURE is FORKED Tongue

-like saying the PREACHER is FORKED Tongue

-so I am not married

-the marriage has no GROUNDS

-I fathered Satan on the TITANIC like it sounds like SATANIC

-like in the film Titanic character Jack Dawson draws PICTURES and FUCKS Rose

-the mother is 'New Teen TITAN' Wonder Girl / Donna Troy / Troia

-who was really badly disfigured, deserted and made terrible.  PICTCHFORK as in TORCH FIRE

-HITCHED FORKED I never marry



-PITCHFORK to get my miracles use the PITCHFORK Disney PICTURE Toy View Finder and it's FORK shape. And use my grandmother FORGET her FORKED  FUCK  and that she was a villain in a PICTURE series

-PITCHFORK I stay living here in my DIGS for life. Like I once buried a FORTRESS bike lock in the back garden. DIGS as in the magic providing garden at my door step

-PITCHFORK STICKING it to those involved in CORRUPTION / crops against me

-PITCHFORK as in the PUBLISHER Jenette Kahn and the PREACHER maybe meaning Jesus Christ. Destroy the PLANET. As in the Pitchfork going in to the ground. PREACHER like it is Christ's constant 'attacks' on me that resulted in everything collapsing. Or the PREACHER being the Pope and the Church

-PITCHFORK Jesus Christ and Jenette Kahn DESTROY the EARTH

-PITCHFORK my bedspread a mink PANTHER one that might be the Beast

-PITCHFORK like ON THE WHOLE Police and Hospital Staff do a good job. But they DIG too much. And with people TOO FAR GONE. Police with their BATONS and Doctors with their STETHOSCOPE act with CORRUPTION. And in centuries advanced worlds of SPACE / SPIKES. They still say even there even HIGHER STATE Police probably won't deal with the job properly. The HIGHER STATES Police will still act with CORRUPTION. Even people of future TINES / TIMES think this of the Police and Health Workers ( TINES are the spikes on a Pitchfork )


Earth D. O. A.

-In 1991 I had a dream. 

-Across the landscape were a lot of small wrecked white spaceships. It is the Earth one day. A lot of closed businesses and homes without any power etc. 

-The white skeleton I saw in a ditch in paddocks at the end of my street. 

-White and wrecked like the spaceships and Earth's buildings. ]

-The street I lived on was called JAMES COOK Street. 

-Like it is the fault of JESUS CROOK and JENNIE Kahn CROOK

-About 1989 over night I leapt off the Railway Bridge in to the harbor. I was walking home wet.

- I passed a REST Home. There was a man raking leaves in the carpark in the middle of the night. He looked like an undisfigured Krueger. The rake like claws on his gloves. 

-Across the road from that Rest Home was a Church that someone would later burn down. Satan rigs all Churches and Bibles to close. The REST Home - it was caused by Christ in the Rest of Heaven. 

-Down the hill from those two places. When my grandparents and I were still just visiting Tauranga. I remembered they had met a woman living across the street from the Motel. I once went with a boy I had met and at her front door asked her for money. She looked like Falcon CREST character ANGELA CHANNING. Like all companies close because of ANGELA and CREST Jesus Christ. 

-And Jenette Kahn like Channing was played by JANE WYMAN. On another trip to that Motel an elderly woman my grandparents had met made me a small CARVED boat. Like Wes CRAVEN creator of Elm Street films. The carved BOAT like saying I fathered Satan on the Titanic. 

-The woman I asked if I could have some money said I don't have any. Like all is closed. Decades later when I was living near the street with that Motel I went back. But I couldn't find the home she lived in. It had the sort of look of a Falcon Crest home.

 -The rake like a Pitchfork

Wuthering Heights

-the copies of my home around space. The leaky Conservatory roof is replaced by like white thin builders' boards. Like I just then had a...