Sunday, July 10, 2022

Earth D. O. A.

-In 1991 I had a dream. 

-Across the landscape were a lot of small wrecked white spaceships. It is the Earth one day. A lot of closed businesses and homes without any power etc. 

-The white skeleton I saw in a ditch in paddocks at the end of my street. 

-White and wrecked like the spaceships and Earth's buildings. ]

-The street I lived on was called JAMES COOK Street. 

-Like it is the fault of JESUS CROOK and JENNIE Kahn CROOK

-About 1989 over night I leapt off the Railway Bridge in to the harbor. I was walking home wet.

- I passed a REST Home. There was a man raking leaves in the carpark in the middle of the night. He looked like an undisfigured Krueger. The rake like claws on his gloves. 

-Across the road from that Rest Home was a Church that someone would later burn down. Satan rigs all Churches and Bibles to close. The REST Home - it was caused by Christ in the Rest of Heaven. 

-Down the hill from those two places. When my grandparents and I were still just visiting Tauranga. I remembered they had met a woman living across the street from the Motel. I once went with a boy I had met and at her front door asked her for money. She looked like Falcon CREST character ANGELA CHANNING. Like all companies close because of ANGELA and CREST Jesus Christ. 

-And Jenette Kahn like Channing was played by JANE WYMAN. On another trip to that Motel an elderly woman my grandparents had met made me a small CARVED boat. Like Wes CRAVEN creator of Elm Street films. The carved BOAT like saying I fathered Satan on the Titanic. 

-The woman I asked if I could have some money said I don't have any. Like all is closed. Decades later when I was living near the street with that Motel I went back. But I couldn't find the home she lived in. It had the sort of look of a Falcon Crest home.

 -The rake like a Pitchfork

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