Friday, July 22, 2022

My Home is Where the Garden of Eden and 10 Commandments Are

-when my grandparents and I first visited Tauranga around 1976

-we first tried the Silver BIRCH Motel. Down the hill from my home and parallel to it. Parallel to my home with the magic PLANT

-my home is where the Garden of Eden was

-with the FORBIDDEN Fruit

-as in FRASER Street

-my magic fruit at my front door area are some of those fruit

-the Silver BIRCH Motel room was run down so we didn't stay

-there was a line hung up across the middle of the room. With white sheets dividing the room

-like someone set those sheets up to say the Garden of Eden was up the hill where my home is now

-that wall of sheets to try to wall me and the Beast bedspread to live here in my Fraser Street unit for life

-the Magic Garden like the Garden of Eden

-in 2010 I was in the local Psych War. At a bad moment I swallowed a drawing pin. Like Adam and Eve eating the Forbidden Fruit

-that night I was lying in bed. I suddenly saw two flashes in my mind. An original super hero costume. But looking like the super hero costumes of GENIUS super-heroes Mister Fantastic and Brainiac 5. They are geniuses like it is the Tree of Knowledge

-and the other flash I pictured in my mind at the same time. The super hero power to create objects out of CRYSTAL. As in CHRIST. So maybe that Tree was part of how God creates things

-in 1981 in the top of my bedroom wardrobe I found a ring. With the 12 star signs around it. It soon disappeared after

-I now see it is like the super-heroes of space ( stars ring ) the GREEN LANTERN Corps

-and the people in charge of them the GUARDIANS of the Universe. Sounding like GARDEN of EDEN

-the Green Lanterns get their super hero powers from space rings

-in Green Lantern comics the Guardians' planet OA is at the Centre of the Universe So my home at 140 C Fraser Street ,Tauranga , New Zealand might be at the Centre of the Universe

-where the FORBIDDEN TREE as in FRASER STREET might be

-the Astrology ring soon disappeared

-and my home at 140C Fraser Street, Tauranga, New Zealand

-the Conservatory or home is the Ark of the COVENANT

-which contains the 10 COMMANDMENTS. Which might be my home too

-when I was young my mother CHRISTINE gave me a Disney View Finder / Master toy. Shaped like a motion picture filming camera. It had a turning handle on it's side to play the cartoon tapes. My one came with two tapes. Mickey's Caravan / Trailer. And 101 Dalmatians. With at the very last shot like distorted film. There was like a white gravestone with the letters 'AM' on it . My initials in reverse. With black behind the gravestone

-the 101 Dalmatians tape - their BLACK SPOTS over their bodies. Like the plant that provides the magic. Are small white ball shaped 'fruit'. These are on my property close to the front door area. Like the Forbidden Fruit

-the Mickey's CARAVAN tape. Stands for my home. The ARK of the COVENANT with the 10 COMMANDMENTS is my home

-alternatively Mickey's TRAILER. I might have fathered the Anti-Christ at the RAILTON Hotel in Auckland in 1982. Also meaning rules

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