Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Wuthering Heights

-the copies of my home around space. The leaky Conservatory roof is replaced by like white thin builders' boards. Like I just then had a dream of a builder putting them on there.  Like I drew on boards looking like that . When living in JAMES COOK Street when young and I put them behind bushes just under our front window. James Cook the Ship's Captain who first charted New Zealand.  COOK. Like on the Titanic I drew pictures of Wonder Girl. A disfigured super-heroine. We parented Satan on that Ship. He became Marvel Comics as in art's Stan Lee The Conservatory roof will soon be leaking like the Titanic did. I use that dream and those pictures I drew to send the three series channels created as me as the central hero character. And Jesus as the main villain. Through Heaven and Hell. Both forever. And if I can to all of space except our Solar System forever

Sunday, September 4, 2022

Will You come Back to My Cabin?

-Friday March 31st 201 I was told  by forces to go to Marine Parade at the base of the mountain Maua in the next town. I was told to say over and over Bup Bup Bop. That started my really powerful miracles

-as I was coming back on the other side of the road was a tall Indian man looking like Bruce Wayne in 1990s DC Comics. He was with a woman looking like Lois Lane played by ERICA  DUANCE. Like Earth becomes WRECKED DOWN UNDER LAND style buildings. She was holding a camera or Cell Phone. She could be the Whore of Babylon. Me the Anti-Christ's mother. Appearing that day when I was repeating Bup Bup Bop as in Babylon. To send up my magic power. The INDIAN man. My father maybe. ARCHIE ANDREWS. There was an important man she was chosen on her world to marry. BABY  LOAN. She failed with that and someone found the High School and as a teen boy my father Archie fathered me. While she was married to the other man. INDIAN / ARCHIE ANDREWS / ANTI CHRIST

-I think the woman I saw looking like Erica Duance might be my real mother. The Whore of Babylon. From somewhere in space a woman like Lois Lane was found for a wife for an important man. And she had affairs. Bringing her boyfriend in the home, on trips and at family events.  And Archie is my father. I heard the name Matthew maybe called just before I saw them. My mother and the Indian man there in March 31st, 2017

-'Bup Bup Bop' as in '666'

-maybe the less starring Archie character Big Ethel Muggs represents her husband


I saw on a TV show about 1983 called Entertainment this Week. A shot of the cover of Green Lantern 176 ,With Green Lantern drawn as if in the mouth of a huge Shark's head. Like my earliest memory of coming in to live in our new home at James COOK Street and finding a Tin of Griffins Sampler BISCUITS in a kitchen cupboard. Like Green Lantern in the Shark's head's mouth. And the teeth around the mouth. Like Jenette Kahn's toothy grin. The teeth around the sides of the mouth might also mean the ring I found in my closet in 1981 with the 12 Star signs around it. Like Green Lanterns have Space rings. The news item had an Independent Comic company worker saying they were trying to make comics people would put on their coffee tables. I have a glass coffee table. When I get the last of the Stan Lee volumes I am after I place them on my glass coffee table in my room. Green Lantern in the Shark's head. Like several weeks ago I had little to eat that week. I went to the supermarket and bought $120 of groceries in one go. I was standing outside the supermarket feeling on the verge of collapse. A Hospital Security Guard drove me to the Hospital where I was for 7 hours over night. Like the Sirens or the Shark's head. GROCERIES as in GREEN LANTERNS. It was New Year's Eve about 2015 I was in the checkout line and was short of some of my money for the last few groceries. From behind me appeared a man and paid for the last few..  Tall blonde and attractive. Looking like a story character.  I now see he looked a bit like Hal Jordan / Green Lantern. Straight before going to the supermarket I had a haircut art Scarlet Hair. I read Prince Harry might have put a tattoo of a rhino on his back.  The Green Lantern 176 cover with Jordan in the mouth of the large Shark's head. The Shark with a head like Kahn. Who I heard described as being GRACIIOUS as in GROCERIES. Jenette Kahn is about one of the greatest threats to the world if the companies involved close. SCARLET Hair as in SHARK and STARS ring. Maybe Hal Jordan left the ring with the 12 star signs on in my room. Green Lantern in the large shark's head like the dream I had in 1991 of across the landscape just small, wrecked, white spaceships. Hal Jordan paying for the last few of my groceries. The man behind me looked like Days of our Lives actor Kyle LOWDER who plays Brady Black. LOWDER as in LANTERN. BRADY BLACK as in BUD BUNDY. I try to say each home gets that LOAD of $120 of groceries each week.. And maybe LOW / Earth is still like a Down Under Land. I was prompted to try to get a mass of groceries that week on my bike. By a Superman comic story title The Miracle of Thirsty Thursday.. And when I was young living in James COOK Streer seeing the SKELETON of a man in a ditch in paddocks at the end of the street.. Maybe representing having no food. And maybe back when I was young living in that home I saw one night in my bedroom. Through the ceiling in the dark two lit up hands as if they were praying. Maybe it was Green Lantern and the ring on his hand. Most of the food I  bought didn't need cooking. I try to use the power of the ring I had on my hand with the 12 star signs on to power this 


Saturday, September 3, 2022

House on the Hill

-my computer no longer works properly

-needing repairing or replacing

-for about the 8t time in a row

-the computer picture plays on the TV screen it is attached to

-but not on the PC

-I would take it myself to get repaired taking it back to the shop I just got it from

-the book Disney storybook Collection Walt Disney bought me

-the cover like advice

-the checkers and spots with characters in. I will just be going more around and around in circles

-the '+' like design of the checkers and the Spots. I am at risk of losing things like Logging in to Disney 'Plus', Spotify, and my Web Page 

-because of some doubts of the correct Log Ins

-the checkers. Like saying Christ wrecked the marriage chance to David PLATT

-the spots. And the marriage chance to Tom HOLE  LAND

-like I will go on having computer problems

-like the name Brendan KILMISTER


-the Disney book cover. Checkers like for alternate areas of miracles. The circles with pictures of Disney characters in. Like in 1982 in my back garden I found a Grapefruit with an equal sized one growing out of the side of it

Cover All Lands

-my maybe great-grandfather Walt Disney

-paid for a book Disney Storybook Collection

-that had been reduced from $29.99 to $11.99

-it has a CHECKER cover

-like he is saying

-the Crisis miracles on my Blogs under matsmiraclist.tumblr.com

-except the miracles on Blogs Freedom Frasers and Mighty Miracles Blog

-the ones I did from March 31st 2017 to November 18th 2020

-those ones cover space

-in a checker pattern. With different groups of miracles in the boxes

-partly to avoid miracles clashing. Or too many for an area

-and some parts of some miracles altered to be made realistic

-Walt Disney bought me the book

-I just today went and began a weekly spend of $40 at a Bakery COUPLANDS


-and I started to get $10 a week Diet Cola

-and I will match that. Like the checkers. With $40 a week healthy foods

-at that Bakery I can get about 10 trays of really nice foods for cheap prices and coming to around 540

-and after those and the soft drink and healthy foods have

-the name of the Bakery is COUPLANDS

-like maybe I come close to COVERING ALL LANDS across space with these miracles

-the checkered cover of the Disney book. Like a WEB for my Blogs

-coming to $90 a week. And balancing like the multiple checkers of the two colors

Wuthering Heights

-the copies of my home around space. The leaky Conservatory roof is replaced by like white thin builders' boards. Like I just then had a...