Thursday, April 28, 2022

Flying Saucer Taxis

-to the Smallville homes I create around space. In the Fraser Courts like part recreations of my street block

-across the road where the home is now of a man I had flatting with me here in my home

-in place of the home of John BAXIDINE

-are flying saucers

-a one per these Courts

-shaped like a flying saucer

-mostly white inside and out

-can track and return to where they have been

-the flying saucers themselves can teleport in to outer space

-when you are on other worlds, in space etc you can still breathe etc

-inside the round shaped saucer 

-in the middle of the floor is a computer console

-with a screen to let you watch ( and translated ) media of worlds near you

-let you see what is in public areas on planets etc outside

-and you can teleport down there and back. And bring things and people you are touching

-and you can manually steer the ship. Otherwise the ship automatically goes where you want it to

-and almost always avoids collisions etc

-there are 4 cubicles in the saucer. Two on each facing walls

-not much bigger than a wardrobe each. With a hand pull to sliding door each

-on the left side

-1-bunks. Two beds and a shelf at the opposite end of the pillows

-2-a bathroom

-on the right side

-1-a storage room

-2-a kitchen

-TAXIS sounds like BAXIDINE

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Safety Guard

 -a maybe protection around my home maybe to the edges of it's PROPERTY

-I have a PANTHER bed cover that I tried to make the Beast from Hell

-I tried a couple of years ago to cause it so any 

- POLICE  REPORTERS or PYSCHWORKERS all sound the same

-that came in my home that I didn't want would go to maximum pain forever when they died

-like the bed spread on a trip to my mother's in New Zealand's capital Wellington about 1978

-when as we were entering we passed through a tunnel in a mountain that  may not have been real

-my mother bought me some comics

-one was a black and white horror reprint

-there was a panel of a naked man lying in bed with the sheet ( like my bed spread ) partly over him

-the Police were bursting through the door saying Get up

-she misunderstood me when I said about a comic That's not the  one I wanted

-like at the end of 2020 I was slightly paranoid

-I wanted to stay away from such people. Especially Psych workers

-I had been for months thinking the Support Staff of different places and related clients might be having me on

-that might be the set up of it

-and how for 4 months late last year I could not eat anything. And the only effect was on my weight

-I had all the curtains of my home pulled. And it all locked. The Police were banging on the windows

-they had to let themselves in

-I was trying to keep the bed cover pulled over me. Hoping it would start to repel them

-the Police were really nice about it and it went really well the few days in the Ward

-the man in the comic panel looked like a student a couple of years ahead of me at High School named Brendan KILLMISTER

-looking like TERMINATOR Arnold Schwarzenegger 

-he passed my friends as they were playing Handball and flicked the tennis ball off his black leather jacket

-I made a joke and a friend said You can't grow a penis. You are copying Paul Longley

-the dupe bully character of the like Archie Comics about me like he will go there too

-Killmister and the man in the comic panel looked like Batman actor Val KILMER

-I once saw on TV on the news show Hard Copy. Actor Andrew Shue ( like me wanting to SHOO these people )

-his wife Elizabeth Shue has left him for actor Val Kilmer

-Elizabeth is really Andrew's sister

-Kilmer played Batman in Batman FOREVER

-I once tried to turn the bed spread also in to a Dark Knight costume that would do that to you if you touched it. And I was meant to be sent on a good mission in the past each time I PASSED THROUGH parallel doors and a long magazine rack in my room

-another way I might be kept safe in my home. Without me getting food.

-in the last four months of 2020 I was feeling paranoid of people like Support People etc. I pulled all my curtains. That might stop people getting in. I might need to keep all my curtains pulled to stop others getting in. And for four months I could not eat anything and the only effect was weight loss. I might be unable to eat again. So I must fend for myself on what my home has in it which would be easy. Pulled CURTAINS all around my house like maybe my Panther / Beast? BED COVER keeps them out. But it didn't work when Police came around at the end of that year




-I one afternoon fell asleep and had a dream

-I was in a type of movie Theatre

-the character real was Indiana Jones

-like from the film Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

-his teenage biker came in. Wearing his hair flicked back up high

-then sat down another almost identical new son. But several years younger

-when he sat down the crowds and girls went crazy

-not feeling overjoyed my front of my pants leapt up in front of me like I was excited by it

-I explained I wasn't to a woman by me. And I was angry with God or Jesus who I thought might have caused it

-that is who my real father is 


-like my mother said my father said his name was IAN and he was from Hastings

-HASTINGS like he hates snakes


-the real films I think he was in

-Raiders of the Lost Ark, Temple of Doom and Last Crusade. Set around WW2. And a later one by decades Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull set in the 1950s

-but they include Biblical objects  so maybe he  had random  adventures

-I was in the local Psych Ward around the start of 2010

-I was feeling lower than before. One afternoon sorts of 'voices / pressures' told me if I didn't stay lying down for the rest of the afternoon and all evening my life would be always bad

-I did get up and soon after swallowed a drawing  pin

-like nails in Jesus in the Crucifixion 

-I was lying in bed that night. Wondering how I would cope

-I stared at small cracks in the window

-suddenly I pictured two flashes at once

-a male in  an original super hero costume

-SKULL- I later realized the costume was a rearrangement of genius super-heroes Brainiac 5's and the first costume of Mister Fantastic

-CRYSTAL - and at the same time I pictured the super hero power to create objects out of crystal

-and I was thinking the paranormal people still had use for me so it turned my life right around straight away

-I am the second son I saw in the dream

-and the first original son gets the response the replacement act does. But the crowds go crazy with me and what I have done

-or it could be I got it wrong. Indiana Jones is not my father. I am seeing myself. TAURANGA for INDIANA. And we both have had a lot of adventures

-CRYSTAL as in my mother CHRISTINE and  BRAINIAC as in my father INDIANA

-about 1979 living in Lebanon Street Tauranga . I once saw lying on the footpath at the end of the street a bird with several small worms in his mouth

-Indiana Jones saying I Hate Snakes - like meaning the corrupt companies

-the bird with the small snakes in it's mouth like I ate the bark with the maggots. Like saying I don't have the pregnancy in me

-the snakes in it's mouth- with all businesses closed people will need to eat bark and paper etc to survive

-a dead bird in strange circumstances 

-like late last year over night an injured bird was trying to get through my bedroom glass sliding door

-maybe meaning people wanting to come in and live with me in my home where it is now. Because it is the only place with food, power etc

-around 1978 I was living in Lebanon Street


-I saw at the end of the street a dead bird with worms in it's mouth

-the worms in the bird's mouth like my father saying the corrupt companies will go down the drain

-and there is no baby in me from eating a stick with once white maggots at each end



-the films were not available to buy but I ordered a book with adaptations of the first 3 Indiana Jones books

-the book was by Campbell Black

-like a name I considered for the new Universe 'Campbelltown'

-taken from a trip to Australia about 1980 where I had relatives living in Campbelltown. And as we approached their home the first time I made the mistake of thinking there blocks of the same looking homes

-like I create blocks of my home

-Akator was the land the skull was from not the name of the skull

-the film's end had the villainess of the film try to get all the KNOWLEDGE from a type of race of aliens

-like I think the magic providing fruit by my front door might be from the Tree of Knowledge in the Garden of Eden. Knowledge also meaning power. Like the costume I pictured looked the the costumes of genius super-heroes Mister Fantastic and Brainiac 5. And just before I saw the flashes I swallowed the drawing pin like Adam swallowing the fruit

-at the end of the film a flying saucer rises up away. About 1978 my grandparents and I were twice in Mount Maunganui by Tauranga. Once I saw a large Trailer home size flying saucer on a vacant section. The next time I was at a family's home we only saw that time. And there was a Richie Rich comic with a few hundred pages that was never made

-like the city  of treasures the aliens had once

-the film is partly based on me

-the bones at the end of James Cook Street. Captain Cook's ship was the ENDEAVOUR / INDIANA  like it will be the END of ENTERPRISES

-my father INDIANA like I get my versions of the Rock of ETERNITY powers that gives Billy Batson his Captain Marvel powers

-I think if I am the Anti-Christ my mother would be the Whore of Babylon. Probably comic super-heroine Fire-Brand / Danette Reilly. They are both characters set in WW2 style times

-the worms in the bird's mouth. Like a lot of men's penises in my mother Fire-Brand / the Whore of Babylon. LEBANON Street as in BABYLON. The cover of All-Star Squadron 5 I bought in Auckland introducing her as the new Fire-Brand over her brother. Had the Statue of LIBERTY on the cover

-my address when young JAMES COOK Street. JAMES as in JONES. COOK as in FIRE-BRAND



 -at the very start of my Days of our Lives series

-at about December 1984

-just as I was slipping in to often pathetic incidents

-I was watching a New Zealand music video show

-the song by Stevie Wonder came on

-I just called to say I love you

-like now I see connects to Jenette Kahn of DC Conics getting the main Phone companies to say they will close 'if I don't love Lois'

-that might be the series saying at the start the end parts of the series

-resulting in no businesses or services left om Earth without the Phone and Internet companies

-I daydreamed when I saw the song

-Jenette Kahn dancing around covers on signs and saying For the last 50 years we have been going and it doesn't stop yet

-like her plans will fall through and things will close

-her 1980s haircut shaped like an old Phone receiver 

-Stevie WONDER

-like plans to torch me like what happened to WONDER Girl will fail

-the artist might have based the song on these things

-but it could still be the Days series saying things will work out for me

The Wicked Witches of Earth

 -in about 1978 twice in that year me and my grandparents were in Mount Maunganui by Tauranga

-each time I 'saw' something paranormal

-the first time a large RV home sized flying saucer on a vacant section

-the second tine at a family's home I only saw that time. There was a Richie Rich comic with a few hundred pages that was never published

-the two real Wicked Witches of Earth

-DC Comics / Jenette Kahn and Jesus Christ

-Kahn's manipulations may cause a mass of company close downs if I get out of people's grasps

-including Phone and Internet companies. Taking about every business and then service out

-this is the FLYING SAUCER. Like the round shape of the DC logo. Like Kahn's old  'C D' shaped haircut. The DC logo has stars in it. And the flying saucer represent the STARS that were part of it

-the other to me chief person to blame

-Jesus Christ. Letting people do what they will to me and never does or will do anything to them. And then takes these people to Heaven. Ruining a marriage chance with actor Tom Holland and him putting me in a marriage with a woman like Lois Lane. Maybe setting me up to look stupid and always winding me up

-to me by now he comes off border line on an idiot. A partly stupid appearance like God's. An angry  raging personality in the start of the New Testament

-RICHIE / RICH - like he and God look the same

-and like we were at Mount Maunganui both times

-the dream I had in 1991 of the landscape nothing but small white wrecked spaceships

-like a lot of powerless ruined stores and homes

-I once had a dream of across the landscape a lot of wrecked small white SPACEHIPS saying it is DC's fault their logo with STARS in it

Wuthering Heights

-the copies of my home around space. The leaky Conservatory roof is replaced by like white thin builders' boards. Like I just then had a...