Friday, January 28, 2022


-Mauao is a small strange looking mountain at Mount Maunganui by my city

-I say when I want this

-the mountain becomes the CENTRE of all space

-like MAUAO in DC Comics' Green Lantern comics OA is the centre planet of the Universe

-and like Green Lanterns are super-heroes with powers to do with their space rings

-in 1981 I found in the top of my bedroom closet a narrow metal ring with the 12 star signs around it

-Mauao like I make New Zealand's MAORI legends and Gods real

-making me MAUI who pulled the fish that became New Zealand

-and this means these people can never have any friends. Mountain / Companion. Mount / Maunganui. Mau /ao. Mount Maunganui / One And Only

-Tom Holland, Jenette Kahn, a Lois I am married to, the local woman like Lois, the local man looking like Jughead, Joe Biden, Pope Francis, Jacinda Ardern, Daniel IT man, my father Ian, the British Royal Family, Greyson son of  Coronation Street actor, Ryan Seacrest, the Heyworth twins, Dionne Warwick, Cher, leaders in Iran, business leaders in Iran, replacement record star, New Kids on the Block

-management heads and owners of NetFlix., Disney and Disney+, Spotify, YouTube, WordPress etc, WestPac, Takeaway chains, Phone and Internet suppliers, the owners and managers of companies going along with Kahn's plans, DC Comics heads

-Mauao-like in 1997 I ran away from my Support Home over night. I reached the base of Mauao. And threw my calculator watch over the Pier . Like they become OUT CASTS

-MAUAO - I set up now the MIRACLES for M-au / ao. Both Britain and the Disney company. Over 15% of land for Britain / and 5% of land for Disney. All through the history of space. With the buildings reforming maybe every 100 years. M  AU ( over all land ) and AO ( over all the history of space ). 

Thursday, January 20, 2022


-a new point of evidence the barring of me from companies and controls on me will fail

-about 1986 I went downtown to the about 8 story tall


-to try to jump off the roof-foolishly

-the door at the top was locked

-I went up the stairwell inside of it 

-there were doors to the inside offices etc up the staircase

-but none of them were on the same level as the stairs

-so a door would be about half way though a floor


-like it is CHRIST's fault

-setting up DC Comics to wreck a marriage chance with actor Tom Holland . And manipulating me in to a marriage with a woman like Lois Lane

-when he knew the extent things would go

-this could just be some ghostly like image I saw but may be real

-like if the Phone, Internet meaning Power etc companies go

-the world will be left a shanty town of closed stores etc

-the split levels are like the Days of our Lives Hourglass or my High School emblem of a Torch with wavy stripes across it

-like the fault being CHRIST's. And like the doors in the stairwell being placed half way through each floor. Years ago I came out in the lounge while I was listening to Jesus Christ Superstar. And on a shelf two rows of toy figurines in boxes were each second one pulled forward

-the doors in the middle of the floors like the toy figurine boxes each alternate forward

Monday, January 17, 2022

True Blue

-what I was just given in a dream

-a real reason to be on an Invalid's Benefit 

-my Osteoporosis

-weak bones

-like I saw lying in a ditch up the street from my home in the early 70s

-a full man's skeleton

-like telling me I can lie not work

-I struggle to bike anywhere now. I can't walk more than a block without difficulty 

- I could barely bike a block before my new bike. But struggle when carrying a large load

-other reasons not to work or study

-at times I go periods of time unable to pass solid motion. And I get sudden urine surges over me

-and maybe 2 or 3 times a year excretion suddenly overflows in my my pants and can go down my legs. But usually later in the day

-I get easily 'zonked' in my mind. Even a negative comment or a problem can send my mind spinning so I am bumping in to things and incapable of doing some things

-from late afternoons through the night my legs stiffen up. I am puttering along to move. In small awkward steps struggling . But I found I can if I try take larger steps

-those are my main handicaps. Added to exceedingly bad problems

-I have problems getting my leg over the bike. But can manage it now

-for a year I only passed feces motions at three month intervals. Then over a week about 10 motions. During those 12 months I would have constant problem urine surges. That suddenly stopped at 12 months. I am now passing excretion occasionally.  But the important thing to me is my bladder is under control

New Zealand Gods and Myths are Real

-parts or a lot

-of the book Maori Myths and Legendary Tales

-on my Blog

-are real

-with me in another 'life'

-being the God Maui

-I use

-me scanning and Posting the book Maori Myths and Legendary Tales. The real legends are the ones I scanned for my Blog. Called 

Saturday, January 8, 2022

My Adventures as Daredevil

-about 6 years ago

-about a year before my Crisis miracles began

-I was lying in bed at night. I heard some like quiet clicking in my throat

-like the black man's figure coming through my wall in the dark when I was in bed in 1990 aged 22. Like the clicking he had an electric chainsaw. Like an alien manhood test for super hero powers mucked up

-this time I kept lying letting and encouraging the clicking / vibrations

-for maybe a year I was Daredevil as splits pulled out of me around space


-a baton I could form and control

-incredible reflexes, strength, invulnerable , phasing, sight and hearing abilities, can walk and appear elsewhere

-wearing black speedos as a costume

-like Marvel Comics MATT  MURDOCK


-like the night I ran away from my Support Home about 1997. All I took was a 90s Superboy Trading Card I left in the ticket slot of the toll bridge like I had walked all the way to the next ton

-just over the bridge I went down one side street too soon and hid for a moment when I heard sirens


Wuthering Heights

-the copies of my home around space. The leaky Conservatory roof is replaced by like white thin builders' boards. Like I just then had a...