Monday, January 17, 2022

True Blue

-what I was just given in a dream

-a real reason to be on an Invalid's Benefit 

-my Osteoporosis

-weak bones

-like I saw lying in a ditch up the street from my home in the early 70s

-a full man's skeleton

-like telling me I can lie not work

-I struggle to bike anywhere now. I can't walk more than a block without difficulty 

- I could barely bike a block before my new bike. But struggle when carrying a large load

-other reasons not to work or study

-at times I go periods of time unable to pass solid motion. And I get sudden urine surges over me

-and maybe 2 or 3 times a year excretion suddenly overflows in my my pants and can go down my legs. But usually later in the day

-I get easily 'zonked' in my mind. Even a negative comment or a problem can send my mind spinning so I am bumping in to things and incapable of doing some things

-from late afternoons through the night my legs stiffen up. I am puttering along to move. In small awkward steps struggling . But I found I can if I try take larger steps

-those are my main handicaps. Added to exceedingly bad problems

-I have problems getting my leg over the bike. But can manage it now

-for a year I only passed feces motions at three month intervals. Then over a week about 10 motions. During those 12 months I would have constant problem urine surges. That suddenly stopped at 12 months. I am now passing excretion occasionally.  But the important thing to me is my bladder is under control

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