Thursday, February 3, 2022

Bad Tidings

-really bad demons I live with

-stars putting it in their work in mass I am pregnant. And looking like I would have to raise the baby totally wrecking my life with maybe no help. DC Comics' Jenette Kahn with basically the power to do anything to me. And still years in to the future and all she needs to so is threaten with some company etc she has roped in to get out of it. She can get away currently with ANYTHING. Despite all I do with miracles. Because she has the power over the Church and Bibles and Phone and Internet companies. And without those it would mean no service or business could stay open. My massive stomach size and my now receding hair. Jesus maybe making my life difficult. More physical problems added etc as tine goes on . Now too tired to make a block really on my bike. Having to lay down my bike and clamber off it when I've been out on it. Threats of what the Anti-Christ and especially what those with miracle powers like the Second Beast could come up with for me. They will want the marriage to 'Lois' to stay to ensure their miracles. Lois as a wife a woman likely to vex me. In the end probably bringing her lover in to our home as much as she wants and socializing with  him in our family. Threats from Oz, DC Comics and a local man like Superman I will be torched. And I would become terrible and a 'creature of the night'. Stars putting it  mass most of the 80s music. I might get torched. I will be stuck with Lois. A wedding if it happened to all the world. My sons and family there with their good wives hating me. My high unpopularity I will have with my family but probably meant to talk where I can. Me messing up things with my mother Christine at Christmas time. My ugly looking body. Two good looking twin sons. At least one-like Bart Simpson-when we have met giving me signs he had sex with the local Lois. The gym instructor I had sex with maybe and her lover the Spotify Internet shot. Fear of dogs now like it was a dog that the based character Donna Troy might have disfigured . Threat of where the money is if my Support Staff leave. Me CONSTANTLY having to never run away from doing anything. Meaning I can almost never do dishes and other things effecting me and my flat mate. The Mexican guide in life I would have had but I messed up going to a Psychic. And it looks like he went to the man like Jughead. It looks like God and Jesus would take the worse people in my life to Heaven because they are good Christians and live good lives. The real threats of an Ultimate record deal messed up and going to another man. The problems that would cause me if it came out. The government after my home, him being treated like a golden boy , me maybe played as the bad guy and a fool, where my money would come from, the media approaching me where ever they want, me being really stuck in to by Jenette Kahn then. Especially if he was a New Zealand man Jenette Kahn and maybe Jesus wrecking an ultimate record deal, setting up company bans on me, saying how I must live my life maybe with nothing I like left to do, her coming around and doing what she likes to me all my life and her barring me from 300 much better songs I wrote hoping I could record them. The devastating to my life threats of a Winery and Archie channel put in the media. The series would make me look like scum and an idiot. If something happened to Lois another woman shunted in. If I have more children with my past they might be like everyone else and not really wanting anything to do to me. And if they saw the channels when they were born they would hate me. If I did became a star. Like still if I proved my story I would be a King with more problems. Having to go out on a live international news TV programs when the music came out. Me having to go to parties etc. Scared but expected to go out in public to stores etc. To me a lot of stars have harassed me on the streets and a lot won't want to really talk to me. The recent long periods I had when my computer wasn't working and I had to listen to the radio. My one shot at a marriage. Maybe to Spider-Man actor Tom Holland messed up by DC Comics, Jenette Kahn set up by DC Comics. The pressure of knowing all of the world's companies rely on me doing what I am told. My keep returning to press myself in my now damaged bed when I never get anywhere with it. My celebrity career ruined a few times maybe by big names. And me. Me making a fool of myself and messing up my life through a lot of it. Maybe a lot of that set up by others but they still turn people on me and cause me problems. Me every week repeating attempts of attacks on Heaven, stars or trying to launch the block of miracles. The very real threats all will turn on me and I will be treated savagely

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